Sunday 13 December 2015

About Pyramid Spiritual Society

       " PYRAMID SPIRITUAL SOCIETIES MOVEMENT "The Pyramid Spiritual Societies are 
   non- religious, non-cult, non-profit voluntary organizations whose sole mission is to spread          Anapanasati Meditation, Vegetarianism and Pyramid Power to one and all. Pyramid Spiritual        Societies Movement (PSSM) is a part of the world-wide New Age Spiritual Revolution. 
 It is a movement leading humanity from violence to non-violence from non-vegetarianism 
 to vegetarianism from blind religious belief to scientific experimentation and scientific logic from insane materialism to sane spirituality. Tenali Pyramid Spiritual Society was found in the year 2001 by Pyramid master "Nannapaneni Suryakumari" Garu and she built the first pyramid in tenali which is  "Shri Buddha Pyramid" and from there many pyramids have came in tenali ,now there are morethan 50 pyramids in and around tenali .

    Meditation is silencing the incessant chatter of the restless mind for that we begin with the breath.The process of meditation is simple- Close your eyes and be with your natural breath. Meditation silences the restless waves of mind, thereby preserving soul energy leading to good health, peace of mind and wisdom of life. Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as  Pyramid Meditation.

 BRAHMARSHI PATRIJI  Brahmarshi Patriji  Brahmarshi Patriji, founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM), realized the power of meditation through his own profound experiences early in his life and attained enlightenment in the year 1979. Ever since, he has made as his life mission - the objective of teaching and promoting meditation and vegetarianism to people all over the world. His approach has been completely scientific and secular without invoking any religious symbolism.  

VEGETARIANISM  patriji_vegetarianism  Vegetarianism is absolutely essential for spiritual life. In fact, spirituality and vegetarianism are synonymous. EVERYBODY HAS TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN. ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS. We should eat only according to our need ... not according to our greed. Quantum vibrational science is slowly recognizing the ill effects of animal food in human systems. The cardinal principle of any religious movement is love. Love is nothing other than being kind to our co-animal-beings of the earth. 

ABOUT PYRAMIDS  pyramid  The pyramid is the symbol of all round development. They are four sides in a pyramid. They represent four kingdoms - Mineral Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Human Kingdom. The four sides of pyramid unite there. They all become one. That is Spirituality. Today's age is the Pyramid Age. If we travel… in our meditation… to the other galaxies and visit the other galactic civilizations and communities… we will find pyramids everywhere.

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